Lots of players suddenly getting RTB plushies!?
Rainbow Tipped Butterfly Farming
I confess my sin
I just peed on my cat...
Please tell me I'm not the only one ð
I quit!!!
Rainbow tipped butterfly
What's your food of choice?
Unknowable Expanse floating castle
20 min into the game- RTB plushie. 500 hrs into the game, still no lantern bug plushie. It hates me!
Moving a furnished room to another plot
Pet Area?
Help with table game
New Plushies!
Pot Luck Weekly Challenge
Where can I see how many chests I can have?
Plot themes
Well, that was unexpected
Things you'd like to see in Palia
Excuse me, what? The price must be so high that it's priceless!
Is it normal to reach a "compromise" when boyfriend (47M) wants sex, but I'm (33F) too tired to have sex.
Hot pot annoyance :)
In case anyone was wondering if this works. It does.