My friends won’t respect my gf and idk how to handle it without getting jumped
I have to find new friends
How do I cut people off?
I cannot stop apologizing to my gf
I hate who I am
Green Bastard
Good speaker for my truck?
I keep freaking out about not hearing from my gf and then she gets mad at me for worrying
Should I keep the exhaust as is or change things up?
Hello spring😎
Looking for a brush guard
I think I’m giving a fuck
My friends just cannot be respectful towards a woman and idk what to do
My gf expects me to be a maid and then gets in a mood when I can’t do everything
Is being “overstimulated” a real thing or is my girlfriend just a bitch
Is similar music taste important to y’all
I have failed.
I think my gf is depressed and idk what to do
I have $300 to my name (US)
I’m torn about who’d be my best man at my wedding
Did I fuck up?
Saw this blanket at a flea market today
I’m majoring in forestry in college and I need a summer job
What should I do with my life?
I feel like I’m falling behind in life compared to my piers