What is even happening anymore
Eliot mains when their teammates are low on health:
I will have to thank bluudud for helping me get this.
guys? umm
Excuse me, but why is bro posing like some fashion model?
Which Original Killer is your favorite?
PLEASE! Don’t ruin it this time…
john doe redesign stuff
Whats your favourite underrated skin? (Figures shedletsky my beloved)
Thanks a lot NSFW artists now you have made the devs remove and reworked one of the best skins in forsaken (dream game skins)
TIL of a giant centipede that hangs from cave ceilings and catches and eats bats
(First post, Hello.) A skin concept I made for guest 666, granted he's not released but I love his design so here. (Inspired by The Batter Monster from OFF)
elliot after you don't take his pizza
Please Help
Do you hate a camping spot so much that you refuse to use it while playing survivor? (Image Related)
my 1x1x1x1 design!!
Shut up with the “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” bs.
Erlking 1x1x1x1
how elliots feel after running instead of healing people
So uh made something for yall
Theory on what Something Wicked is.
Two Times Rework!!!
1337 is society, who's just evil?
Do modded skins just cause your nuggets to be softlocked by Ice Queen?? They've been stuck there for a minute now