Weekends aren’t that good..
What game character's death hit you the hardest?
I want to die in a car accident
I just don’t see the point of being alive after 18
What do you do with fast red lights?
All i honestly want is to die
I struggle to see how it’s worth staying alive in our world.
How do we keep going with an unfulfilling and depressing and demotivating life?
Why…are we so unhappy?
I just want a hug..
How to get over the fear of crashing again
My life is so unfulfilling..i’m sick of living in a poor family, being poor, lonely, miserable.
Nintendo: Super Mario is a family-friendly franchise.
I’m scared of crashing my car again or making a fatal mistake
I'm scared of dying each time I drive
2013 chevy equinox: zero oil 11 days (90 miles) after full synthetic oil change.
why young and old mordy and rigby are fully clothed but middle aged rigby and mordy are fully naked?Is there any reason related to show lore?
Should Marceline have been more curious about Finn?
Does anyone else have nightmares with lexapro?
Anyone else afraid of their car breaking down?
Bought a used 2010 Equinox for 3k. Any experience with it??
Am I crazy or do I start my girlfriend on Stakes to hook her and then work our way back?
Farewell, Dodge Dart.