That's it? That's the amount of damage ssj4 goku does to supers story?
Do you think Professor Petro did something wrong intentionally by calling Riley the N-word?
oliver was barely a year
Ungrateful Civilians
Congrats to the One Piece dub to finally catching up after 18 years!
There's no "aura" in a grown man beating toddlers
Would Saitama respect Deku? (Artist: Rtirtil)
If Goku and Vegeta fused during the Tournament of power, how differently would things have shaked out?
[DC] Joker tells a joke. It bombs horribly. Lex makes a joke about his failed joke. Room erupts. Does Joker go to war with Lex over this or brush it off?
Who's the strongest the alabasta crew can extreme diff together ?
There is no effect of the commandments. 10 VS 1
So Conquest absolutely would've gotten folded if he went for the 2v1, right?
Hot take maybe: Nezuko was better as a demon
Whitebeard did Akainu so bad that admiral fans convinced everyone that the anime is filler 😭😭
Which brother do you prefer to play as?
Stfu about power scaling
She stole my combo, so I stole her wife >:3
In hindsight, I kinda just wish they released every unit they teased in the videos as they came along.
Man this sub is both dense and annoying
Smh, Fraudtama Moment
I see your cuck Peter and I raise you incel Doom
Some motivation from PP
Truer words.
They really got a white, blonde women to say this line
Do you think oda would have allowed the admirals to do the same to yonko???