Following, Denmark, the US is now officially asking Germany for eggs
VVD: defensie-uitgaven opvoeren naar minimaal 3,5 procent van bbp
Italy, Spain not ready to back EU plan to boost Ukraine military aid
Librewolf vs Waterfox
As an owner of all mythos packs, any reason to buy the re-releases?
A moment of appreciation for the 'Note to Self' feature.
When you can’t say what you want to say
Regarded institutions shouldn't bowing to him!
What would you recommend to replace Google Drive and Google Photos?
Wereldwijde onrust leidt tot grootste stijging van hypotheekrente in 2,5 jaar
PSA: Startpage is NOT DUTCH anymore! Info in the comments.
Want to degoogle but don't know where to start
If you weren't convinced Elon has dirt on Trump before.....
Yeah it’s gonna go the way you think it will
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Conclusions after months trying to buy from EU
Is Civ7 bad??? How come?
How many of you use sleeves and deck boxes?
We spent around 17,000 hours in primary and secondary school. Was it worth it?
Any reason to keep these?
This is war
Pork minced meat
I have a photographic memory, AMA.
Ten Democrats just rolled over and let Republicans piss on everyone
Colored inlays for my investigators folder