First off: sorry if I'm accidentally breaking any rules. I did give the rules a good read, but there's always the chance of missing something.

I am so, so sick and tired of YouTube's godawful auto-moderation constantly and consistently deleting or removing most of my replies for seemingly no reason. I tend to write medium to large replies to other comments, and I always make sure to avoid any possible flagged words or tones to the best of my ability. I also strive to always remain objective and as neutral as possible; as in, I will never insult or belittle somebody because I disagree with them. I try to remain civil as can be. And yet, more often than not, my replies are deleted.

It's at a point where I'll copy and paste any prospective reply I make into a notepad on my phone. Sometimes I'll try and rewrite the comment, other times I'll give up. Regardless, this is so frustrating and disheartening. I've even sent in official complaints to YouTube. It sucks so badly to spend half an hour typing and re-typing a friendly debate argument about some silly video game or TV show, only for YouTube's rotten AI to decide that I'm not even worthy of speaking. It's just... so stupid!

I really hate how non-user friendly YouTube is. It really sucks that YouTube holds a monopoly on the longform video market, because as a company and platform, they're frankly hateful.

At least on reddit the only times I'm "censored" like this are when I make some sort of mistake. An actual mistake, like discussing a topic a particular subreddit asks you not to. That would be my fault! YouTube's AI deciding that my comment is bad for entirely arbitrary reasons? That is not my fault!

Is anybody else sick of this? I like to talk. I love replying to other comments and comment threads on YouTube. But I hate how YouTube, for apparently no reason, doesn't want me to. I think it's just that some of my comments are too long and that I've been flagged for that... but that's so dumb!

I wish YouTube would quit being so awful! People literally have more bad things to say about the platform than good. (Not counting things said about particular channels or creators.)

Thanks and sorry. I needed to vent. God knows I couldn't do that on YouTube!