Dudes should use foundation or other beauty products for a huge competitive edge

EDIT: if many of you read mid-post, I’m advocating for light, minimal amounts of makeup to even skin, cover blemishes, NOT full flown makeup. A Little bit on a date or something to look good (or make a little effort to) for your gf or date or whatever. Stop conflating this with what you may picture when you think makeup. If you find that others notice it, it’s already too much.

I am NOT talking about caking one's face with makeup to look unrecognizable.

I am talking about using a tiny amount, evening out your skin a bit in case theres blemishes or too much redness, or just looking a little less tired and brighter.

If you find yourself in the midst of doing real manly stuff like

A) Mining

B) Hauling a whole tree for firewood

Do NOT even consider it!!!

Here are some things that we can all likely agree on:

  1. Looks matter in life, consciously or subconsciously, no matter if you care about it or not.

  2. Being attractive opens doors, romantically, professionally, whatever. It's not fair in life but it's prevalent everywhere we go.

  3. If you were 1/10 facially, there's a good chance your gf or wife wouldn't be with you and you never got the chance with her to begin with. If you're actually 1/10 and married/with a gf, you can disregard this post maybe.

  4. Almost everyone would like to be with an attractive partner. Sure, everyone is attracted to diff things, but facial attractiveness is usually at the top of the damn list.

  5. Looking good makes people feel confident. Yall may think you're too cool to care, but don't tell me. you haven't felt more confident when you're looking good. This goes for one's facial looks and hair, not just clothing, etc.

Many men try hard to impress women, but are being real stupid about overlooking some culturally unpopular (but truly effective) ways they can gain an immense benefit / edge.

Speaking from the US, for women, it's a lot harder to be competitive on the beauty front because almost every other woman out there researches and uses beauty / make-up products.

For guys, it's the exact opposite, where men overlook these products, and try so hard on things that other guys already do to impress women (working out and other stereotypical "manly" things).

However a guy's facial looks matter a lot when it comes to attractiveness, and a little foundation (can be unnoticeable if done right) goes a huge way in making guys look better. Every male actor, model, star, whatever it is, has people help them apply beauty products to make them look better, you have to do 1/10 of that and reap a large benefit other guys won't have. It's absolutely insane why guys don't look into it, maybe cause it's marketed towards women more, maybe it's pride and ego. Nonetheless, many guys aren't even going to try something that would give them such a competitive edge in looking better.

The thing is, some of the most better looking guys you may see or know, already employ this, and if done right, you may not even notice it. (or they won't tell you)