Open letter to mods: Negativity is slowly killing this sub

On front page now:

Anyone notice a significant drop in interest personally, nationally, and within the UAP community after Barber, etc?


The Age of Disclosure is premiering this weekend.

and inside shitting about it killing any possible excitement


Are We Getting Played? Jesse Michels, Peter Thiel & The Billionaire Play for Disclosure

These kind of posts are what is defining the atmosphere in this sub right now.

I think banning people for 7 days just makes them come back and bring people down in more subtle harder to police way. If this sub is to survive as a place where people can discuss the phenomena free of ridicule and negativity, a MUCH harsher approach is needed. You have to shut down the cult/grift/ridicule/no evidence rhetoric and make sure it isn't replaced by some other euphemisms. Edit: for example a lot of them have transitioned to talking about how they have lost interest/getting desensitized because of Barber or what not or how they will leave if ross doesn't disclose this or that NOW or some other negative BS. Should we ban them for this? YES. Why? because if they don't like the topic they can leave. But for the people that do like the topic they need someplace to talk. And this sub is this place. But right now it is more complaining central more than anything else. (End edit)

As someone that is interested in understanding the NHI/UFO phenomena better it is just not fun coming to this sub anymore. And this is a huge problem. This is exactly what the enemies of this topic want and you are letting them have it. As long as this environment remains toxic to the people that actually want to discuss the information we have this sub will not thrive.

For reference I recommend reading the moderators approach on r/experincers. And maybe getting some inspiration.