Should I stick it out with Tales of Arise?

Hey all, long-time Tales of player here. Just for context, my first game was Symphonia on GC and then Phantasia on GBA. I've played most of the mainline games in the series (missed Destiny, Destiny 2, Rebirth, Legendia and Innocence).

I recently picked up Arise after the praise I saw for it online and in a good chunk of reviews. I am not far in yet, just into the second main area after defeating the first Lord. But, honestly, my care and investment in these characters is almost zero. The writing is not the best: poorly paced, poorly characterised (sometimes with tone in skits in other cutscenes that don't seem to match), cliche, and there's just nothing new or interesting here that hasn't been done by the series already (and done better).

The combat is fine, but I wish I had more artes available to me in each combat (does that increase later as it does in some of the other games?). And the exploration feels a bit behind the times with the small, largely linear areas.

I've only put in maybe 7 or 8 hours so far. Do you think I'm likely to feel differently if I keep going? Or should I just call it quits here? I'm just wondering if maybe Tales is not for me the way it once was...