For the people shitting on Booker
For the season Booker's stats relative to the suns.
Per game stats: (minimum 30 games played)
1) Minutes (1st)
2) Points (2nd)
3) Offensive rebounds (2nd behind pulmlee)
Its a shame a guard is better at o-boards than our wings.
4) Assists (1st)
5) Secondary Assists (1st)
6) Potential assists (1st)
7) Steals (1st)
Imagine how awful our defense is if Book is leading this category
8) Drives (1st) (on 52 FG%)
I agree Book has been awful on defense, but shitting on him when he is basically our best playmaker and 2nd best scorer on every night while playing 3rd most games on the team is crazy.
I am not against trading him (unless he doesn't want to) but stop treating him like he is a washed-up player.