Hitting puberty twice and voice changes

I'm a trans man and also a singer so I need advice coming to terms with my voice. I used to be an alto (I had C3 to E6 vocal range) and used to be in the school choir; however I took hrt so my voice dropped again. Now I have D2 to D5, so I lost a little range and apparently became a bass. I moved school and nobody here knows about my transition so I could simply not explain that I'm a 23 y.o. dude still going through puberty changes. It's been almost two years since it began but I still have trouble controlling my voice. It feels like the parts in my body where I used to put the effort just moved around and I have trouble finding where I must send the voice to do the proper sounds. Is kinda weird cause I was so used to put a lot of effort in hitting low notes like C3, but now is hard to hit it not cause is low but cause I send it to low. I now appear to be incompetent cause I can't hit the notes but I wanna belive I just need to get used to the changes.

So, my question is how to deal with your vocal range moving so wildly? Any advices?

And to the basses out there, does anyone remember how long his voice take to sit in a proper way after puberty? I had heard to basses are one of the voices that took longer to mature