My house rules, please Leder make it real!

I've been playing this game for 4 years and have tried all the expansions. After many test games, I believe these changes improve the gameplay of some factions and avoid some awkward moments in both fun and how they are played. I also want to make the base deck more viable and ensure the rules can be printed on a card to be placed next to the board as a reminder. Here are the changes:

Vagabond: Despot Infamy, only 1 extra point for removing any number of pieces with a sword.
Alliance: No changes.
Eyrie: No changes, considering swapping the Despot's and Builder's viziers.
Marquise de Cat: A True Fortress, the fortress cannot be removed from the game except through combat. Additionally, in combat in the clearing of the fortress, the Marquise takes 1 less hit (like the relics of the Keepers). This is the change we like the most because it allows playing the Field Hospitals even against the base deck’s favor cards, and it prevents those “feel sad” moments when you’re attacked on turn 1. However, the fortress can still be destroyed by an overwhelming force.
The River Company: Protectionism, if there are fewer than 2 warriors in Payments, add warriors until you have 2. Crafted warriors go to the committed box. This also helps improve the otters' life when no one at the table buys their services.
Lizard Cult: If there is a tie in suits among the cards in Lost Souls, the Lizard can choose any of them as the new Outcast or flip the current one to Hated. This greatly improves both the mobility and crafting ability of the Lizards, making them much more interactive.
Duchy: No changes.
Crows: 3 plots of each type.
Warlord: No changes.
Keepers: No changes.

What do you think? I look forward to your comments.