Good morning, Marissa! (Context provided)

I have to provide a bunch of context.

My grandma passed away back in November. My dad had to go down to Vegas to clean her house out so he could either sell or keep it. About a week later when he got home, I found out my dad was cheating on my stepmom the day after he asked for a divorce.

I found this out because he came into my room with someone on facetime, only to reveal it was a woman.

I got suspicious the moment he shushed me when I asked who she was.

It mostly was just them calling and having conversations, but then a week later, he was back in Vegas (where he met her).

And when he came back, he was a different person. He was swearing more, he was acting a lot more irritable, etc.

And then he confessed it all to me. He was cheating.

So, I was naturally uncomfortable.

And then came the discussion.

I talked about him with my mom, and as it turns out, he'd cheated on my mom multiple times, and he was caught in the middle of it once.

So the next day, me and my mom texted him and told him to leave me out. He said he would, but he continued to bring me into it.

And eventually, it came to the point. He gave me the girl's number.

I texted her hello and showed her some stuff I made because she was curious, and then we didn't talk again.

Things were normal for a few weeks...

Until my mom talked to me about him again.

Turns out, within the two weeks he'd known her, he proposed. They are now engaged.

I was upset. He never planned on letting me know.

We confronted him. I told him if he moves, he is not taking my dog.

And then it was normal again for about two weeks again.

And then comes yesterday.

My dad confessed to me after school that he had blocked her because he needed a break. And the reasoning why he told me?

She messaged me something concerning.

I'm 17, and she is in her 40s.

I told my mom, I told my dad as well. Mom was naturally pissed off, and she had a long talk with my dad.

He apologized later for bringing me into it.

I'm a bit... concerned. She's also been using manipulation tactics on him, and just today in a group chat, she said he needs her attention.

My dad is a great dad, but I'm not sure if it's decent or anything to stay living with him if he moves her into our house.

She's clearly being manipulative and I've warned my dad multiple times never to date someone with extreme trust issues. I've got experience with people like this, and I didn't end up in a good spot at all. I still struggle with remembering it all to this day, and I know the same will happen to him.

She seems to be an alcoholic as well, as every time my dad talks about her, it's always something about getting drinks or her being drunk.

Anything I can do to change it all?