Just joined because I found something that helps

Hi, this one is for the ladies. I never sought any treatment for my HS from a doctor because it is relatively mild (and one dermatologist told me to just lose weight). I just did a search for estrogen and HRT (hormone replacement therapy) in this group, and I didn’t find any results.

I’m posting because I’m 51 and have been taking HRT from an online women’s health company for about 3 months. Today I went to inspect my inner thighs to see if I had any bumps/boils that may get worse, and they were 90% gone! Even the scarring seemed better. I was blown away that I only had three tiny white bumps on one side. And I get the boils that are large marble-sized to where it hurts to walk.

Is anyone else here in their 40’s and older with perimenopause symptoms to boot? I was also having joint pain, night sweats, low libido, etc.