How do you deal with too much free time and boerdom?

I'm back in the US now but might be able to start back up depending on how my new business launch goes. 29M if it matters.

But back when I was DN, i always got super bored and kind of depressed. I didn't have much to do most days. Income wise, i traded options which is not as glamorous as it sounds. Mostly 8 hours of watching a screen and reading news and maybe only 3-5 minutes of actual work/trading. Some days I was done in 30 minutes, an hour. Other days i would sweat it out until market close 8 hours later. Overall, making $200-500 daily is not too hard.

I had some friends, local and foreign but they have their own lives. Some days i would just walk around the city or end up on reddit scrolling for hours or watching YouTube. I did start going to random places and restaurants which did help. Also learned to just talk to random people off the street which surprisingly helped in Mexico.

Is there a better way to manage time and improve happiness? I don't really know what i want or what doing? Usually i end up taking long trips after working crazy long hours for weeks/months in the US. But then i sometimes end up more miserable and isolated in these countries. In places like Colombia, this led to me blowing $10,000 per month. Now I'm a bit better and only blow like $3-4k at most (Mexico). Maybe I need pet projects, i don't know.