Tricks for DAD to fall (back) asleep?
Hey fellow dads, looking for some advice. I do the night shift with our 6 month old from 9pm to 5am, then wife takes over. There’s usually one bottle feed somewhere between 10:30-2, and my biggest struggle is either falling asleep early or falling back asleep after that feed.
When the stars align, I sleep both halves, but more often than not, I end up tossing and turning. Baby itself is sometimes the issue—I pick her up for comfort, transfer her back to the crib—but mostly I cosleep with her in our bed (I know, not ideal, but I follow safe sleep guidelines as much as possible). I also know cosleeping isn’t super common for dads, but between the two of us, I’m better suited for it.
Anyone have general tricks for falling asleep or falling back to sleep asap? What works for you?