25.1 statistics - mens
Rx'd mens statistics
CrossFit is all about getting in better shape, progressing, and pushing ourselves, not about numbers. The score doesn’t define us. These stats are for reference, not comparison
===== Analyzing 25.1 =====
Valid scores: 110577 athletes
Workout type: Rep-based
Basic Statistics:
Count: 110577
Mean: 186.24 reps
Median: 185 reps
Standard Deviation: 41.89 reps
Min: 1 reps
Max: 368 reps
Reps Statistics by Age Group:
16-20: Mean = 187.90 reps, Median = 189 reps, Athletes count = 2448
21-25: Mean = 202.73 reps, Median = 203 reps, Athletes count = 6720
26-30: Mean = 198.95 reps, Median = 199 reps, Athletes count = 18313
31-35: Mean = 193.01 reps, Median = 193 reps, Athletes count = 26072
36-40: Mean = 185.29 reps, Median = 185 reps, Athletes count = 23194
41-45: Mean = 176.82 reps, Median = 177 reps, Athletes count = 17538
46-50: Mean = 168.17 reps, Median = 167 reps, Athletes count = 10766
51-55: Mean = 160.45 reps, Median = 160 reps, Athletes count = 5526
Score Percentiles:
99th percentile: 286.0 reps
95th percentile: 255.0 reps
90th percentile: 240.0 reps
75th percentile: 212.0 reps
50th percentile: 185.0 reps
25th percentile: 157.0 reps
10th percentile: 136.0 reps
5th percentile: 119.0 reps
1th percentile: 96.0 reps
Box Representation:
- The box shows the interquartile range (IQR), which contains the middle 50% of scores.
- The line inside the box represents the median score.
- The whiskers extend to the minimum and maximum scores within 1.5 times the IQR.
- The dots beyond the whiskers are outliers, representing exceptionally high or low scores.
Womens stats: