How do you approach your economic future as you’ve become more collapse aware?

I’m 34 years old, and am recently experiencing a financial setback in life, though I’ve never been a particularly high-earner to begin with. I guess what I’m feeling now is a mixture of emotions: I still want to get myself into a comfortable earnings position before I’m too old, but at the same time don’t know how much longer we as a society have to enjoy the benefits of living a stable lifestyle before we are facing calamities on a daily basis, globally.

Aside from the imminent disasters and disruptions that the changing climate will bring, Trump’s second term is finally sinking in for me as potentially more destructive than his first. As dire as things are now for most Americans, it seems they will only get worse within the next four years, and this time with a cabinet of emboldened oligarchs.

I want to emphasize, I’m not looking for career advice/guidance, I’m just curious how the rest of you see your lives playing out. Do the high-earners live out the next few decades comfortably and the rest of us quickly die off while fighting each other for the scraps? Have you embraced the futility of building a savings for your future, knowing that it all may be for nothing? Do you have a plan to fight back and survive for as long as possible?

Life is finite for us whether we like it or not, I think I’m personally just afraid of how it going to play out until I reach the finish line.