My Best Worst Start
I finally decided to try 0.H because of some of the updates looked interesting. Went with Really Bad Day/Naked and Afraid w/Amphetamine and Painkiller addictions for a challenge. Here's how its going:
Woke up with terrible headache. Room is on fire. Arm feels like its on fire from infection. Scramble out bleary eyed to find some underwear and a skirt. Zombies already attracted to the noise of the fire, so I can only grab a few things in a garbage bag.
Leave the house and slowly move away, zombies distracted. On the way out of town I see a cemetery with a person in it. Bone Seer Brigitte LaCroix, clad in her bone armor and wielding a war flail to destroy any zombie who comes her way. Collapse in a small room nearby as the withdrawal shakes are starting to kick in. Blessed goddess protects me as I get a bit of rest. Only get some sleep because the zombies keep coming, but one of them was a medic carrying antibiotics, so I can start getting my infection under control. She says she'll join me if I kill something and get its bones, so I stumble out of the cemetery.
Road out of town leads through a forest, at the end of which is a survival shelter, my third major blessing so far. Eat a protein ration, regret it, and collapse on a bench. Repeat for days until the flu and the infection clear up. Feel like garbage, heath stat something like -120, but not dead. Find a pig, kill it, waste most of the meat to spoilage, but have enough bones that I can wander back to town just as my withdrawals are starting to get better. Recruit Brigitte and start surviving for real.
Make the shelter in to a base, scavenge in the woods for food, start a farm, realize nearby there's another shelter, and loot that too. Protein rations for days. Get a half pike from a feral. Trap a pig in the base for later use and then forget about it. Guess its a pet now? Fight through town to a clothing store to get clothes that aren't awful. Find an office tower. Look off the roof with binoculars and find nearby: light industry, a massive farm, a mall, a car dealership, and a craft shop. Jackpot.
Go to the farm. Kill the zombie cows. Marvel how much wheat will be available eventually. Find two dead cows and four dead calves. Immediately invest in as much food preservation tech as possible, but lose half the meat anyway. Gain a couple hundred chunks of meat and fat, though.
Brigitte is a massive help now that you can tell NPCs to craft things. She's also still a beast in combat and we wade through hordes to loot the town. Get a solar car from the car dealership and a drill press and tools from the light industry. Run out in two portal storms to gain Light and Teleportation powers from the Mind over Matter mod. Brigitte is a clairvoyant as well.
Summer starts. Health is Great. Farm is growing. Food is stocked. Inventory is sorted.
Prospects looking good.
As an addendum, big thanks to everyone in this sub for being ready and open with answers to the many questions I've had. Its been a big help coming back to the game after a few years. Props and upvotes to you all.