Reconstructive surgery *down there* 7 years after tearing?

So during my 2nd birth I was very eager to get my baby out and pushed harder than seemed like a good idea. I ended up tearing to the 2nd degree. My idiot midwife gaslit me into believing I didn’t tear even though I could see it with a mirror. My old midwife checked me at 2mo and told me I should have been stitched and said I shouldn’t pursue reconstructive surgery until I was done having kids. I healed eventually but certain activities make me let in air and queef very loudly as the air goes back out. Yoga being one of them. Also when swimming or in a bath water tends to get up there which concerns me. We had a third and she is 5 now. My husband has a vasectomy, so we are done for sure.

I’ve been thinking lately about reconstructive surgery. I have a history of vaginismus (8+ years ago) and it worries me that any uncomfortability or pain during sex after surgery could trigger it again.

Has anyone had a surgery like this? Did you get your desired results? What was recovery like?

Edit: Since multiple people have mentioned this, it isn’t prolapse. I saw a pelvic floor therapist during my 3rd pregnancy and following my third birth who confirmed this. And multiple midwifes and a gynecologist have seen it and discussed the fact that I tore and it basically healed “wider”.