What’re your guys’s favorite Batsuits and why?
Here’s my top 5 if you’re curious:
The Rebirth Batsuit - Easily in my opinion the best modern Batsuit we’ve ever gotten. This suit does such a phenomenal job of modernizing the classic suit designs of the past like with the yellow outline around the bat symbol, and the purple on the inside of the cape just fucks so hard. I really wish they hadn’t taken this suit away and we still had it today.
The Batman Beyond Suit - This was my favorite Batsuit prior to rebirth, the red and black color scheme just goes so hard and the simple yet sleek design of the suit always just looked so cool to me back in the day when watching Beyond and even now I still absolutely love this suit
The Battinson suit - Easily my favorite out of all the live-action batsuits. This suit to me stroked the perfect balance of the armored nature of early-batsuits yet it still allowing for plenty of agility and movement.
The Arkham Origins Batsuit - My favorite video game batsuit. I used to not be super into this suit when I first played origins but it ended up growing on me over-time and now I absolutely love it. Even though I usually prefer more sleeker batsuits usually I like the bulkiness of this suit.
The Long Halloween Batsuit - To me this is the definitive Batman look in my opinion. Like whenever I think of the character this is usually the batsuit that I always envision. I specifically love the Arkham Origins version of the suit.