Boyfriend is upset by breaking down finances to income split

My partner of 9 years makes 3x what I make. This only started last year. I have pushed for an equitable split and when we did the math for it, he was shocked at how little I'd be paying. We rounded up what I'd be paying and it ended up happening that I was also paying for utilities and wifi, not really split.

Yesterday, while talking, he mentioned he's actually making even more than he previously expected. I asked if he would reconsider the income split and he said that he thought that was settled. I got really upset and started a fight that essentially boils down to I feel like I do the chores and pay more than what is equitable. He refused to hear it, we spiraled into a pretty big fight and now he's not texting me back while I'm at work.

I feel very hurt that he insists that it's equitable, but also refusing to revisit the math. What is going on here? Please help me to get some perspective on this, what can I do?