K-Pop sucks and J-Pop is better
First off, its no fucking secret that K-Pop is an Garbage and shit "Music Genre".
Like seriously??!! K-Pop is horrible and has copy and paste songs(Like all of them are)
J-Pop Has a better and developed music genre with loads of Genuine fans across the world but that level of support does not get to their heads, they also have little to no investment in the west. that means the songs stay original and they are just happy, or some of the songs are.
K-Pop relies too much on Western Validation and this is the toxic culmination of a Music Genre built off dependency for westernization, which led to the sexualization of Idol groups.
Japanese Pop groups are original and have been since the modernization of the Genre and have kept the Japanese culture alive through their music.
K-Pop is Genre made out of extortion, Lies, Sexualization, Bad and unoriginal Music.
So what we learned is that J-Pop is Better and original than K-Pop which is a dumpster fire of Toxic Copy and Paste groups with the same lyrics.