The main reason I don't believe Jake Barber


The main reason I don't believe Jake Barber's story is this:

If craft could be brought down and controlled using psionics, and according to him we all have the power to do it, then what's to stop the Taliban, or any other terrorist organization using one to deliver a nuclear bomb to anywhere in the USA (like NYC for example) within seconds?

These so-called whistleblowers always claim they can't talk about this that and the next thing because they've only been cleared to talk about certain things.

Do you think for a second that those giving out the clearances, would allow him to just disclose to the world how to obtain, and operate one, yet they won't admit they even have them, we don't even get to see a picture of one, yet they're giving people clearance to talk about how to summon and control them.

Maybe Jake believes what he's saying, to be honest, I think they all do, that's what makes it such a good opp, they can pass polygraph tests because to them, it's real!

It's a massive red flag in his story!

Edit: why are so many people dwelling on the "Taliban" example?

There are many other examples I could have used, terrorist organisations, unfriendly countries, ect, why dwell on an example? And try to use it against me.

They'll won't actually show you a craft "because it could put lives at risk", but, they will allow Jake Barber to tell you how to capture and control one for yourself.

Come on man!