I don’t want another baby.

EDIT TO ADD- Thank you all for your comments and insight and messages. It means so much to me, and knowing I’m not the only one who’s felt/feels this way is so comforting. You are all so strong for the decisions you’ve made for yourselves and your families. And to all you negative people, holy shit. I thought I had healing to do, but we all really do. I wish you all the best, grow a heart that doesn’t just beat y’all💕

I’m 25 years old and already have 2 kids. I love them so much, and I just recently found out I’m pregnant. I am 7 weeks, and I really can’t do this again. My mind keeps going back and forth. It’s killing me. My morality doesn’t align with getting an abortion myself, that’s not something I think I could personally live with. And yet I find myself praying for a miscarriage? Fuck that’s so insensitive. As if because it’s not at my hands it’s not my fault. It’s sad.

I am a strong woman, I’ve busted my ass raising my kids. But I’m so sick during pregnancy and having 2 kids already is killing me. A large part of my heart feels the baby and gets excited, and then the other part of me just wants to be MYSELF again. My youngest baby is a year and a half. It’s TOO SOON for another one. I don’t know what to do.