Have you ever thought that You are what's killing the game?

This goes to everyone who constantly comment negative things on peoples post. Being "unimpressed", with achievements someone may be proud of it constantly posting things you hate about the game.

We get it the game isnt perfect but that is no reason to try and take the enjoyment we find in it away from each other.

I remember Smash Bro Brawl had a character called Meta Knight who literally was in a tier if his own. He was broken. And the community knew and it could be frustrating playing him. But we just acknowledged it and kept enjoying the game. Ice climbers could do an infinite grab loop. Again we just acknowledged it and played around it. Tournaments would make rules to limit that type of play so we could still have fun.

This community just seems to throw hate at the game. And the worse part is, this game can be updated and changed. And the devs have been doing that. Can't we start showing more appreciate and learning from each other. Creating a positive environment could lead to people playing less toxic. Js