Neighbors lying, KS
My roommates (2 other guys) and I(all males in our early 20s) got new neighbors a couple months ago at the townhouse we live in. the new neighbors are a young mom and her newborn, there js a husband but he travels and isnt there most of the time. right off the bat they were annoying as they called the police on us at 7 pm for a noise complaint. the police said we weren't being loud and went on their way which I guess made the neighbors upset as they levied an official complaint with management.
after management stepped in and warned us about the noise, we went down and talked to them as we felt we were not being loud (at least not to the point that the neighbors were describing.) according to management, we were being so loud that the neighbors pictures were falling off the wall, which is just ludicrous. management said they couldn't actually do anything to us without witnessing the offense firsthand and after we met with them and explained our side, nothing else happened. we continued watching tv/listening to music/talking at the volumes we always had and nothing happened.
fast foward to today; we received a notice on our door that was described as an "official warning." the warning stated that the neighbors complained of a smell of marijuana coming through to their house and that they had management come through and verify the smell. in the warning, it says that if the problem isn't fixed in 14 days than they can evict. now we did receive a call about a week ago from management about the same thing, but we ignored it because we don't smoke weed inside the house or outside of it. we do smoke cigaretts outside, but that is allowed. we also burn incense pretty often but that's because one of my roommates girlfriend (who is over quite a bit) is really into it. I read the lease and there's nothing in there that says we can't burn incense.
so I'm wondering what our next steps are? we don't smoke but the neighbors are claiming we do and it seems management is taking their side. in the warning they sent us, they said that they verified the smell at 4pm today. there was only one person home during that time and I know for a fact that he wouldn't have been smoking marijuana. can they really evict us over a perceived smell when they haven't even done any verification? a simple search of our house would reveal nothing illegal. I just don't know what to do. thoughts?