Victoria, my sweet baby girl, sleep well.
It was 2013 and I was a young, dumb, college student. I walked into the shelter and I see you, standing on your two hind legs, jumping around trying to get my attention behind the gated door. I never owned a dog before, much less a Pomeranian. I never would have guess that years later I would be following all these Pomeranian groups. It was such a pain to get my bachelors degree. Going through breakups, worrying about how to pay for school, and just the usual every day stuff. Still, every time I would come home you would always be there running to greet me and cuddle. We used to live in an apartment and I would have to walk you multiple times a day because you had so much energy. Rain, snow, or in the burning Texas heat, it didn’t matter. You demanded to go out and get your steps in. I graduated with my bachelors and got a house. You loved your big backyard. You loved to go out and roll around in the grass and chase the squirrels. You quickly made this house yours. A bed up stairs, one in the office, one the bedroom, and multiple rugs to lay on. But, despite all those beds, you still demanded to be up in my bed at times. I would hear your little paws pitter patter up the steps and scratch my door to be let and get on my bed. Then, when you got bored, you would demand to be let down so you can go lay elsewhere. I started my masters degree and, again, more stress. I would always have you there to lay with me and hug when I felt things got difficult. Eventually I graduated and started a new job. I got you pet insurance and didn’t have to worry about vet bills or if an emergency happened. You were basically a VIP at the vet. I couldn’t believe how far we had come. Back then it seemed like something so out of my reach and now I had it with you by my side. In December of last years I passed my all my CPA exams and last week I finally got my CPA license. I looked at you and thought “wow, we made it”. Your snout had greyed and so had your eyes but your spirit was still there. The vet had just seen you on Monday and said “for a dog with congestive heart failure, she has a lot of energy. You can’t event tell.” You were still out there running around. You still knocked on my door demanding to get in and be petted. Friday night you took your pills but you weren’t hungry for your food. Your IBD was acting up again. It was ok. You were going to eat when you were ready like always. Yesterday you didn’t have a lot of energy but you still went out and did your business. Then you collapsed and started having a seizure. I rushed you to the vet and you were going to get better and we would be back cuddling later. This morning I got the call that I needed to visit you. You were in so much pain and the seizures kept on happening. We held you in our arms as you went to sleep. I hope you’re resting better now. No pain, only happiness and peace. Thank you for all the love that you gave me. Thank you for all the times you would wake me up at 3 am because you needed to puke or go to the bathroom or just because you wanted a late night snack. Thank you for always demanding attention. Thank you for sticking with me all this time. I love you. In the meantime wait for me. It might take some time but I promise you we’ll go out for those walks you loved.