Other people struggling are not the enemy!
Throughout history, those in power have pitted marginalized groups against each other, distracting from the real systemic issues at play. Under the current administration, we’ve seen actions that erode the rights of many communities. Protections for LGBTQ+ individuals have been rolled back, narrowing definitions of sex and gender to remove safeguards against discrimination. Workplace diversity policies that have existed for decades are being dismantled, making it easier for employers to discriminate without consequence. Immigration policies have become more restrictive, creating fear and uncertainty for families who have lived here for years. Efforts to address systemic racism and promote equal opportunities for minorities are being stripped away under the guise of eliminating “woke” policies.
These aren’t just attacks on individual groups; they are attacks on the principles of equality and justice that protect all of us. If the government can chip away at the rights of one community, what stops them from doing the same to others? The freedoms we fight for—whether it’s the right to live without discrimination, the right to organize in the workplace, or the right to protest—are rights that benefit everyone. When we allow ourselves to be divided, we make it easier for those in power to take more from all of us. The struggles of marginalized communities aren’t separate from our own. If we let their rights disappear, we may find our own freedoms next on the chopping block.