Gear progression from when you started DJing til now?
Recently ordered a XDJ-AZ, and it got me thinking how far DJing tech has come. I feel like the DDJ-SX was a huge jump over 10 years ago, and then the RX standalone was a huge jump, and 4 channels standalone is a pretty cool jump now/in the last few years.
There's been a TON of evolution in the last 15 years, and I'm curious what gear you came up on, what steps you took a long the way, and where you're at now!
This is roughly mine:
2009-2011 Virtual DJ: started DJing here, and this is when hardware was expensive and not really made for bedroom DJs
2011-2013 M Audio Torq Xponent: one of my fav Christmas presents ever. started learning on this thing, did my first Avicii mix, and started playing basement parties
2013-2016 Pioneer DDJ-SX: this thing was amazing. started playing in bars and more parties, and needed something more stable and modern the the M Audio. to this day, I think the DDJ-SX is one of the most innovative things Pioneer put out for the time
2016-2017 Pioneer XDJ-RX: first standalone setup. wanted the CDJ vibes but did not have the CDJ bag
2017-2021 Pioneer CDJ Setup: between sales and used gear, I picked up my first CDJ setup... a 2000NXS, a 2000NXS2, and a DJM 750mk2. I'd played all my stuff on the RX, and after getting a club gig and feeling slightly overwhelmed live having only played on the RX, I decided I wanted a CDJ setup (plus it's a fun hobby to spend money on lol)
2021-2024 updatedPioneer CDJ Setup: sold the 2000NXS and bought a 3000
2024+ Pioneer CDJ Setup, and XDJ-AZ: will be moving to the other coast, and want to keep my CDJ setup at my house. AZ seemed like the best way to do this while still getting most of the functionality of current
pioneeralphatheta tech, while also taking up slightly less space, fewer outlets, and not draining my bank account (as much). I am still sad the AZ is 30FPS bc I've come to love 60FPS on my 3000