Marriage Question - Emergency Appointment
I have a passport appointment on the 17th for travel on the 22nd.
I was married from 2015-2020. I never changed my last name.
On the passport application, it asks if I’ve ever been married and divorced, as well as all of my ex’s information. When I put all of this in, the application review says “married: yes”.
I called the passport hotline and she said that since I never changed my last name, I should just say no when it asked if I’ve been married because otherwise it will be a big back and forth and they’ll need divorce and marriage certificates (which I don’t have).
Is this something they’ll look into if I put no? Or should I not worry about it and do what the woman on the hotline said? I’ll probably call tomorrow and get another opinion, but wanted to see what you guys thought.
I’m stressing and can’t afford to have this appointment not to well 😬 I’m in Michigan if it makes any difference.