Losing Faith on the NCLEX

Hi guys. I just recently took the NCLEX for the third time Wednesday Feb 12 and found out I failed again. I am losing faith. In nursing school I graduated with a 3.8GPA and was Magna Cum Laude. I won the leadership award at my pinning, I did my work ahead of time & I was a team player in nursing school by always sharing my resources. The problem I was coming from a school that was newly accredited & we was the first cohort, so our testing wasn’t hard at all & it wasn’t traditional nursing school. We basically just did ATI modules! Now it’s paying off in real life because I can’t seem to pass the NCLEX yet was so good in school. I now know I didn’t learn the material in school I was just memorizing to take the test b/c all we used was ATI modules and remediations! The first time I took the test I failed in 85 questions. I knew it was because I was brain fogged. We just got out of school and I was doing the ATI green light and it was 200+ questions a day! I still took the test and failed. So I understand why, but the second time I really was more focused on learning the material and breaking down the why, and still failed in 85. I figured this time it was more of not understanding the questions instead of the material, this third time I didn’t do much studying b/c I told myself I took it twice already (and that’s probably where I messed up) I just took it again. I just skimmed over some material and listened to lecture 12 of Mark k. Now that I’ve failed for a 3rd time this time I stopped at 107 so I was happy it got passed 85 so I thought I was doing good & it got harder. At like question 100 was a 6 question case study, den a SATA was the last question. Ive have seen not only my classmates but some people who graduated after me passing at 85 the first time has really discouraged me. People starting in the position I should be starting in (I’m a nurse Extern and just waiting to transition to nurse position when I pass the test, but other nurse extern who have graduated after me & passed first try and already starting as a nurse) I don’t get what I’m not understanding. The NCLEX is straight forward and not that hard. So either I’m just not understanding the material I think I am or I’m not understanding the questions being asked.

[The first time I tested, again I was overwhelmed and I have lots of study material I recommend not using so many, 2nd time I cut down on study material and tried to get a better understanding of process, 3rd time I didn’t study much at all] I’ve used bootcamp and I love it! I may have to repurchase. I didn’t get through the whole thing I just took the 4 readiness exams and I scored all high on them all! Maybe I should have scored Very high is what I’m hearing but what do u guys think!