I’ve failed as a mom
I feel as though I have failed tremendously as a mom already. My toddler is 2 and going through all the big emotions that come with it. The thing is, the only thing that will soothe her is a breast. She will scream and cry and hyperventilate until it’s given. I will wait a solid 20-30mins ignoring her, trying to snuggle her, nothing works. All she demands is boobie. Any inconvenience that upsets her, she will go through a full blown tantrum and will not stop until I nurse her. I have tried everything. I’m surprised my neighbors haven’t called the cops at this point with all her screaming and crying. I’m a single mom. I’m tired. I’m at my wits end with her. I feel like I’ve made her so dependent on nursing that I can’t fix it. I don’t WANT to nurse anymore, and I don’t want it to be the only thing that comforts her. I can’t do this anymore. She goes 10-12hrs without nursing with her grandma, has no problem, the moment she’s with me it’s all she wants. I can’t do this.
ETA: thank you all for your kind responses and advice! I feel much better about my situation. I may try to extend another month or two, but plan to follow many of your suggestions to wean as soon as possible. 🩷