here we go.. exam shut off at 150q
This is just me ranting feeling discouraged..
I was average A,B student during nursing school. I was never the "smartest" but I think I was okay. Never thought I was dumb.
I failed my first attempt at 146 or 8 questions. I barely had those 6q NGN (maybe 2?) and half the time I was guessing because it was a lot more prioritization qs than pure content review. I was discouraged because I had classmates who struggled to pass during nursing school still pass on their first try at like 85-90qs after only studying for like a week or two before their NCLEX.
I took my 2nd attempt this morning and was feeling much better in the beginning. I think I had like 4-5 NGNs, can't even remember correctly but definitely more than the last time and I tried to think that that was a good sign. I feel like I was more confident in my answers than before although not 100% sure because so many of them were SATA. I was hoping my exam would shut off around 90s but it just kept going on and on. I think I choked on one alzheimer question and from then on I feel like I kept getting questions related to this topic + some peds. I was trying to stay hopeful and tried to keep my focus till the end but I feel devastated now. I cried once I got back in my car lol
I got an offer for a new grad program at a hospital for if I fail, idk I'd have to tell them I failed and decline the offer... then the whole cycle of reapplying, paying another $200, and studying.. I see a bunch of posts about how their exam shut off at 150q with an update later saying they actually passed. As much as I wish that that was me, I honestly can't stay positive and don't want to be hopeful because it'll crush me again with the official results..
good luck everyone, hoping you have a better experience than I am doing w nclex
***update*** I did pass and saw a few posts saying sometimes they'll make people go up to 150q regardless of how they're doing to test out the new NGN. Idk how true that is but if you think you did well until q85 but the exam keeps going and going, don't lose hope!