What is the concept of every metallica album?

I think i have the first 4 albums figured out:

  • Kill 'em All: Metal Culture. Songs like Metal Militia, Whiplash, Motorbreath, Phantom Lord, and Hit the Lights are all about Metal. The other songs don't have much of a shared concept, apart from "destruction", like in Seek and Destroy, No Remorse, and Four Horseman. To be honest, destruction is a pretty vague theme in metal.
  • Ride the Lightning: Death. Very clear cut. Every song is about dying.
    • Fight Fire with Fire: Nuclear dying.
    • Ride the Lightning: Dying by electric chair.
    • For Whom the Bell Tolls: Soldiers dying.
    • Fade to Black: Wanting to die.
    • Trapped Under Ice: Dying by being trapped under ice.
    • Escape: Not dying, actually.
    • Creeping Death: Dying in passover.
  • Master of Puppets: Control. Most songs are about how people are controlled. Master of Puppets is about how drugs control people, Leper messiah is about how greedy pastors conrol people, Disposable Heroes is about how Warlords control soldiers, and Sanitarium is about people in a mental hospital being under control.
  • And Justice for All: Injustice, by society and the government. And Justice For All is about how theres no justice anymore, One and Blackened are about the injustice of war, etc.