Constantly re-injured: mental health issues
Anyone have any advice for my mental health while dealing with all these physical injuries? Over the past two years I’ve had patellar tendinopathy, melanoma, double toe paronychia, low back pain and FAI/hip labrum tear that I maybe have to get operated on. I went from relatively pain free for all of my life to this. I used to surf 3x per week, play beach volleyball 2-3x per week(playing competitive tournaments) and lift weights 3-4x per week. It’s absolutely devastating and I feel like I’ve lost my identity. I constantly have to turn opportunities down to do things, I completely lost my physique(no more abs) and I’m half the athlete I was. I notice it’s bleeding into my work and one thing just keeps happening after another and I can’t catch a break. My thoughts have gotten so dark and I have no confidence anymore when I used to be almost over confident. I also moved 6 months ago and have no friends in my new city. Any tips?