Name Your Silly or Awkward Moment In Japan
Last year I went to Japan for the first time and I made a few mistakes I think my funniest though was accidentally getting into the woman's only car on the Yamanote line. My friend (who is female) and I just jumped in, there wasn't a line and it wasn't very busy but I remember sitting there like "huh everything is pink that is weird" then I looked around and noticed only women around me I then pulled my phone out (I'm legally blind) and on the hand straps it says "Women only" or something to that effect.
Thankfully nobody gave me any grief maybe a few nasty looks (I couldn't tell!) but I just kept to myself and got off at my stop a few stops later. I'm glad nobody made a big scene or deal out of it but I felt pretty silly.
Second one I was at diver city and looking for some better shoe insoles as I'd been walking a stupid amount and my feet were killing me I went to one of the big sports stores and gestured to my shoe at the lady I then took off my shoe and pointed at the inside not thinking what I was doing.
It wasn't until after i tossed my shoe back on it hit me what I just did and was like "OMG I'm so stupid why didn't I just use the translate app on my phone and just ask rather than try to show her" she showed me the insoles I apologized and she waived it off. I still think back on that and think how much a goof I must of looked like. To be fair my feet were killing me and I wasn't thinking straight!
What are your silly or awkward moments on your trip?