Seb XI - The First Ruling
His hands wrapped around a cold wooden bannister of sorts. He had roamed the halls of Highgarden with a distinct lack of strength, a weakness radiant in each and every movement for many a moon.
Now it was different, he held some semblance of power, yet his ambition seemed unsatisfied, he wanted more, he wanted to see the Lion of Lannister and the Golden Rose of Tyrell bleed.
He had few thoughts of how to further such a cause even now though, he wished to see them buried in mud and blood and yet his mind wouldn’t wander to thoughts of how to get there.
He clenched his hand before shooting it towards one of Highgarden’s multitude of walls. He shuddered as a slight wince brokered across his face “ Fuck! “ a raging anger seemed to burst from the depths of Seb’s soul though it hid not long after, once again a whimsical gaze branded his face.
It was just another cut to add to the many that marred his body now though few strayed to his face since he seemed to wake once his claws reached for his features.
With this new found lust for more, he would lay the foundations of the Stormlands next movements. Who in this tale of lies and slander, this grand game of war would they side with? He had his suspicions and his opinions but he was only one man.
He sent for a gathering of the lords, each one to be brought together, to speak their thoughts, inform him of any differences between the few prior issues and opinions he had heard.