Can we just agree to disagree?
(Sorry for bad grammar english isnt mt first language) Ive seen a lot of fighting about Caldarus' design and I think its really stupid actually. No you arent homophobic for not liking a skinny androgynous design (remember though that androgynous does not mean skinny or no muscles or ethereal we are just normal people with a lot of variety in our bodies thank you very much) No you arent wrong for liking a skinny design either.Ive also seen a whole bit where people seem to silence others and telll them to stop complaining because Early Access ans they do have a point but also this is early access were supposed to complain and give criticism even if its just I want this character to be buffer,or I want this characters skin color to match the overworld sprite, or he looks sickly can you please update the sprite? This stuff is helpful in the dev process, if its not what they wanted to do, well the devs now know that, if its what they wanted to do, they know they were succesfull in their design.Most of all it lets the devs know what we as a community want so we get a better game (tho of course dont take it too far). Ive also kind of seen an annoying attack being thrown around.
Rant Incoming:
If you want a buffer Caldarus you havent read his dialogue, and this is really insulting to me I have talked to him everyday for 1.5 in game years and it is a highlight of my experience with this game. I know who Caldarus is I know hes a huge softie really nice, doesnt fully understand humans and can throwba really good insult at times, intentional or not, but why does that immediately mean skinny? Is it not possible for more muscular people or fatter people or older people to be nice? He is an old dragon after all birthday dialogue implies hes 1000+ years old, and before you say hes suppposed to be a bishonen, I know and bishonen can be and usually are muscular, they arent twigs, men in shojo definitely dont have visible rib cages, dan mei men all have muscles, anime men have practically always been a little bit muscular especially in shojo, its not too weird to expect at least a little bit in the dragon man. Rant aside I think calling people who disagree with you booktokers and just horny is not really constructivr like at all especially since a large portion of those people are just women having fun.
Basically pls stop telling people that they are wrong or havent read the story. Perhaps they interpreted his dragon form as big and intimidating and thus expected a gijinka of it to have similar traits. (btw his dragon form isnt a lung) Granted there is a place and time to voice your opinions and it definitely isnt under someone saying omg I love the design.If seeing someone happy or unhappy about something makes you mad pls reevaluate your feelings and or just block or mute them pls, this goes to all social media btw curating your feed is important and will make your time on it much better, your feelings are valid just dont make them other players problem when it should be your and the devs problem. Besides if the design doesnt super appeal to you mods are always there, and Ive already seen a portrait mod in the works, and since this is really only a visual mod, the midding process is way easier than you may think.
tldr the discussion is getting too heated, criticism is fine and is actually helpfull toxic positivity isnt helpfull especially in a EAT where criticism is needed and expected,if anyone upsets you so much just mute/block them, truly hate the design portrait mods are already in the works Thank you for reading my long post