Csn I please have some insight/advice on this band of misfits I'm trying to create?
So i dont have friends who play D&D, and cant really do online games with randoms as my schedule is all over the place. So i plan to do my own D&D related 'comic' (whether it bu a proper coherent story, or just strips, either way i need to practice my art lol), and came up withcthe idea of creatings a group of 'misfits'/unusual characters based on their races and class and such. Anyway, these are the character ideas i have so far, and wanted to know what you guys thought of them/add anything to them (and could let me know of any 'lore' mistakes there may be, as ice not fully read up on the races yet) :)
Half-Orc Sorcerer: TL;DR - is a sorcerer but still often just caves peoples heads in with a quarterstaff/whatever may be near by, wants ro find his mother; born of a human sorcerer woman, and a mighty Orc leader, he was raised in an orc stronghold after his mother mysteriously disappeared. He was taught the brute strength of orcs, but was often frowned upon, only being a half-orc. After many years he decided to leave the stronghold for good, and pursue the information about his mother, and harness his inner magic.
Wood-Elf Barbarian: TL;DR - wishes to rid the land of all barbarians and those who go against natures will. She wields 2 axes, ready to slaughter anyone who gets on her bad side; she lived a peaceful life in the forest, spending time with the animals, growing the forest, spending time with her family. But that all changed after a barbarian group had raided her home, killing all and burning down the forest. Witnessing the savagery and pain from under a branch as her friends and family fought to survive, she now holds the guilt of their deaths on her back, and roams the land to kill any barbarians and those who attack nature
Dwarven Monk: TL;DR - a heavy handed dwarf who felt he coukd do more, but still has a terrible temper. Aims to free all people under exploitation; he has always been very strong. Ever since he could work in the mines he was very different from the othwr dwarves. He could break thriugh the rocks and the ores with his bare hands. After some time the other dwarves realised he would always be better than them, which meant they started using less money and resources needing to be wasted on workers and tools. This angered the dwarf and led to him lesving his caving system to explore the world, soon to be taken in by a group of martial artists. He still has his fiery temper, and aims to make sure noone is ever exploited for their special skills again
Skeletal Rogue: TL;DR - skeletal remains of a human, now sneaks around as a rogue just seeing what life has to give; in life he was a sturdy warrior, protecting his true king. Eventually thiugh the king became corrupt, and was overruled after a long battle. Ever since this soldier has felt like his life was wasted and incomplete, and could just sit there as his body rotted away leaving nothing but bone. As years passed he would watch adventurers sneak into the derelict fortress to steal treasures, and learnt the art of stealth and murder