I'm curious and dont know what I need to search up for more information. I think I subconstantly crave the active feeling of pealing a single layer of skin off. Like in a cleansing, cleaning way. Like I feel like I'm getting the grime out of a pore. Think of the sensation of cleaning grout or a divot. I want to feel the hairs individually pulled out of the pores they are in because it needs to be clean. (Sorry just trying to explain the exact feeling I think my mind craves.)
I've also noticed that I tend to focus on a physical feeling for long periods of time. Like if I massage my arm I just want to keep feeling that feeling. I also liked chowing my nails and biting skin off my thumb. Atm I'm doing better on biting my nails but I skill run my teeth under the nails for the sensation.
I dont know if it is a type of this disorder or something else. Because I dont actively want to feel pain or punish myself. It's just a really good scratch in a way.
I dont know I just think I'm looking for some advice or info.
Thanks ✌