Did My Stylist do Me Dirty?
Hi curly friends. I recently got my 4A/B(?) hair cut by a new stylist as my old stylist left the state. I requested my hair be shaped while keeping length as I am growing it out. I went in last week for a consultation to make sure he understood what I wanted and could work with my type of hair. He was confident and it seemed like a good fit. I went in on Tuesday and I've been feeling a type of way about my hair since. I couldn't exactly put my finger on the problem. Typically my hair is cut dry (curly cut) instead he brushed it all out into a fro and started chopping away. I literally said, "my hair has never been cut like this I feel very uneasy". He reassured me, when I left the salon I thought it looked OK, but that I needed to style it myself to get a feel for it. I washed and restyled again today and honestly it looks like he gave me some sort of mushroom/mullet cut. I'm deeply unhappy, and for nearly $300 (included all over hair color). Am I overreacting or did he do me dirty?