Anthropomorphic Zoophilia IS a Red Flag

Off the bat, this opinion IS controversial though only because I'm talking to reddit losers like yourselves (and me, duh. I have to say it or else yall will think I'm not self aware or something but yes, "like yourselves" and me too der der der) if you don't think it's controversial, see comments below.

Truthfully: I did not decide to nitpick the furry community or to hyperfocus why they're bad because they weird me out or anything like the sorts, this is a genuine thought. And before y'all get all pissed off coming in guns blairing, consider you don't know me, and perhaps have faith when I say I'm a charitable person who no one is ever in danger around.

Disclaimer for autistics who need everything mathematically precise as if you're a bot: Regardless if the term "anthropomorphic zoophile" makes grammatical sense, or even really exists outside of a label of negative connotation, I am using words to convey an idea. I'm not gonna tiptoe around a thesaurus because my terminology offends you. Look behind my words and pick up what I'm putting down. When I say, "anthropomorphic zoophile" I'm talking about people who get aroused by the depiction of human like animals or more so vice versa (werewolves for example etc.) Also I have autism so shut up about me saying "autistics" please. And if "oh that explains a lot" then you're a hypocrit except your problem is in your actual "meat" or "thicks" of the idea/reality that I'm autistic while you were just about to consider me a biggot for simple terminology to define the idea (thing that matters) that I'm attempting to convey. With all that said, I AM here to gain insight at the very least even if my mind fails to be swayed. Though it is possible to sway me, If I could conceive how then I wouldn't be here. Okay, I'm sorry for that redundant BS as I know anyone who cares enough to respond is gonna use my terminology as adhominems to nullify my ideas anyway.


So the problem is that anthropomorphic zoophiles generally have an animated fursonna of usually cat or dog like beings that is animated really REALLY big eyed and smily. The same stuff that makes us think babies or kittens are cute. And though I'm looking for a logical discussion and explanations here, I really don't want to get into my logistics as to why it's bad to be aroused by babies or kittens. (I struggle understanding morality, but I know my energy-or, the particles in my body more so-are eternal and I just want the universe to make peace with itself as it's particles develop into a more complex consciousness/bigger brains, that's as deep as I'll logically justify my disdain towards arousal by kittens or babies).

I feel there are patterns in our brains that "tends" us (in a mathematical sort of way) towards certain thoughts, actions, and behaviors. I'll go ahead and throw you guys a bone and make the point that my "I feel" statement at the beginning of this paragraph is perhaps the least logically verified of presuppositions. And I think that those who's brains tend them towards an attraction to anthropomorphic depictions with these features (big eyes, big head, cuddly appearance), are also getting drifted into the realm of what I already said I won't logically explain why it's bad, but the realm of being attracted to those same features on kids and animals. HENCE the red flag. I think this makes too much sense for reddit personally. HOWEVER: I'll also withhold the audacity that half you fucks emit, and I'll dare say that other's ideas are worth considering so here I am.

Sorry for being so cynical I hate this website.

Tangent: This website is ostensibly here to breed hate so frick you. One time on TIFU someone said they accidentally roasted someone on "toast me" cuz they read it wrong. They conveyed how bad they felt, and the very premise of the sub they posted on heavily and PRIMARILY displayed their awareness of said goof. Despite this, people were bagging on him like, "you can't do that man." "That's messed up and abhorrent, they went there to be built up, you need to f____g pay attention to that." And one of the best ways to downvote farm is to post an unpopular opinion on the "unpopular opinion" subreddit. So PLEASE forgive my cynicality. You have no idea how frustrated I get when I try to talk to people who can't even comprehend how to get the square root of two from a square. Not the people who don't know, but the sad majority who refuse to think they can know. The annoying people who have the internet at their fingertips and can't even solve the first two layers of a rubik's cube while in the same breath "I wish I could." This is the majority of you autists so please forgive my cynicality... counter productive AND counter intuitive idea I know.