Black clothing stain help?
Hey y'all. I took my gal out of my bag the other day and unfortunately saw that she was stained HEAVILY. I had her in some generic aliexpress doll fishnets, and (foolishly) some BeGoths boots before this. Her shirt was a Decora Girlz shirt too, and that stained somehow (I remembered too late that BeGoths is known for staining with their clothes but the shirt staining was a bit of a surprise lol). So as a new customizer and new Blythe lover in general, I pose the following questions:
1) Is there any way to restore my gal to her former glory or at least close to it? Or am I better off getting a new body from Aliexpress?
2) Is there any way to avoid this from happening in the future, especially as someone who has a lot of goth characters that are currently being planned out and designed doll-wise? (Bonus points if anyone knows a way to circumvent another case of the Forever Fishnets™️)
3) Any doll artists/other doll brands who have clothes that would fit or mostly fit a factory Blythe jointed body, that fall under a more goth or alternative style? (I'll be working on making doll clothes at a later point, this is just so this gal and my other gals coming in soon won't have to be naked in the meantime lol)
4) Any doll fishnets one would recommend that won't stain and will fit the factory blythe jointed bodies?
Any and all help is appreciated! Apologies for the questions if some are obvious, I'm new to doll customizing in terms of practice, and while I do my research, I'd also like to hear what the community has to say. Thanks everyone!
P.S: i had no clue if I had to edit the picture to comply with the "no nude dolls" rule, but I did so just in case. The staining is on her nipples as well, though.