wrote a poem for banana fish

My soul is always with you

Why is it that we are all doomed in the end 

Everyone makes mistakes, some worse than others 

But can we really call the murder of “innocent people” a mistake 

I mean we could argue that we just did what we had to do 

But that's not up to us

No, it's up to our writer's sense of morality 

And this writer decided that even if “we had to do it” that's not good enough 

They decided that we were a murderer despite the hand we were dealt 

But we will be honored by the people in our lives even eight years later 

They will mourn us for the life we could have had 

They will refuse a haircut cause it's the last thing we touched of theirs 

Why? Why did our happy ending never come? just a note and a plane ticket away

Just a New York Public Library away 

So so close to a happy ending, all for the writer of our life to decide that

We don't deserve that happy ending, we don't deserve to find that love 

Maybe we don't, maybe we could have survived, but our will faded

Maybe just maybe I could have lived note in hand sitting on that plane

But I chose not to, no! I didn't choose this, the writer of my life did

No use in pondering the what ifs, cause it's far too late

I'm already sitting in heaven, watching over my dear Eiji, maybe what you said is true

For my soul is always with you… Eiji in live and death