Looking for advice on navigating a new friendship

Hi, autists!

I've made a new friend recently, which on the one hand is really nice, but on the other hand, I feel like our desire for socializing is WAY mismatched. It seems like they always have much more energy and stamina for texting and socialzing than I do (they always text back immediately and I'm more of a "text 1-3 times a week" kinda guy), and I'm starting to constantly feel a little guilty that I can't text back as quickly and don't want to make plans as often as they do.

I've explained to them multiple times that I'm autistic and don't have much spare energy to be social, but I still feel like this. I'm working part-time right now and fear this will only become worse on my end once I start working full-time again. Does anyone have advice for how to navigate this and not feel guilty? I'm starting to consider completely abandoning the friendship since we've only been talking for a few weeks and I know they tend to be an insecure person so I don't want to hurt or mislead them long-term, but I feel like there might be a better solution. TIA!