Is "secularism" a mistranslation of "laiklik"? Shouldn't it be "state-controlled religion" or some alternative term?
It is often said that Turkey is a secular country. When I heard this I thought it meant something like the US, where the government and the religion are legally totally separated. But from what I read, Turkey and the ex-Soviet Turkic countries have state-controlled Islam: the state funds mosques and education, appoints imams, controls the Islamic doctrine... I guess to avoid foreing interference and to preserve the national identity over religion. There are also blasphemy laws, although Germany has them too.
Do you think is the correct interpretation or I'm missing somethig? Do you think Ataturk's implementation was the best one or should have Turkey moved to a different model? Either more restrictive (like Soviet or post-Soviet Azerbayan) or freer (like the US)?