Dealing with ward water in the big cities

Hi everyone!

My Girlfriend and I just moved to Germany and we love it. One of the only things we are struggling with is the hard water for the showers in the big cities.

She has C3 hair type, dark, curly and quite thick. She uses a whole range of products including hair masks, hair oils and sleeps with the hair in a silk cap.

The water in the showers is having quite a bad effect on her hair, it's causing breakage, split ends and general dryness.

In addition the hard water makes tea and coffee taste awful when compared to boiling bottled water in a kettle lol.

Since we will be renting for the foreseeable future, adding a complete water filtration system is not an option.

We are thinking of a few options:

  • Buying a portable RV water softener and chlorine filter (costs over 500 euro)
  • Simply heating up bottled water for hair days and washing in a bowl.
  • Getting some sort of camping shower and again using bottled water.
  • Buying distilled water and mineral packages to make up water yourself.

How do other Germans with thick hair deal with the hard water issue essentially in big cities like Munich?