My friends just cannot be respectful towards a woman and idk what to do
They all have never had a girlfriend except for one of them, who broke up with her because she told him what to do sometimes.
They talk to girls on snapchat with plans to meet up and have sex, but not to date. They grew up watching porn and now they just know that they can have sex with women, but they don’t respect them.
They talk to me like I think of my girlfriend as someone I see only for sex, it’s like they can’t understand the concept of caring for someone else. They constantly make sex jokes about us and when I tell them to stop they tell me that that’s just what guys do.
They’re my only friends, and anyone else that I meet is just like them, and when I do meet someone else we have nothing in common. If I leave them, I’ll just have my girlfriend, and if she leaves then I’ll have nobody